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Москва, Волгоградский пр-т, д. 53
Москва, Серпуховский вал д. 30
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Санкт-Петербург, Сенная пл., д. 7
Москва, Волгоградский пр-т, д. 53
Москва, Серпуховский вал д. 30
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Пистолет Cybergun Full Metal Custom "Auto Ordnance" Weathered 1911A1

Пистолет Cybergun Full Metal Custom "Auto Ordnance" Weathered 1911A1

24 700

В корзину Купить в 1 клик
В наличии в магазинах
  • Текстильщики
  • Санкт-Петербург
  • Серпуховский Вал
  • Интернет магазин

•   Officially Licensed by Auto Ordnance
     •   Authentic and Iconic 1911 designs
     •   Real wood textured Grip with U.S Logo marking
     •   Slightly Weathered body to give you that “Combat Used” feel (you can further weather it as you please)
     •   Grip and Thumb Saftey
     •   Full metal internals/slide and lower frame
     •   Pistol weight and Blowback Action both Satisfying
     •   The Famous American Star symbol engraved on the slide AND "USA" engraved on the lower frame grip area
     •   Slide designed to look like Steel plate Armor surface
     •   “Gunmetal” paint used to give that real steel feel to it
     •   Lanyard Attachment area at bottom of Grip
     •   Squadron - Engraved slide design to resemble a WW2 Fighter Plane (P40 / Hurricane etc), featuring the famous Shark Mouth artwork

AW Custom
Артикул 1c
AW Custom
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